Push-Up Bra for my Sanity

adee.after.30.postOriginally posted 3/2/2011. Edited. 

Yesterday I finally used my gift card to Victoria Secrets.  This was a gift for Christmas from my husband.

I decided to get the neon green push up bra. I was feeling kinda hot, because I’ve convinced myself that neon colors are a good contrast with my tanned skin. I’m not really obsessed with my breast but after nursing four children and being told, “no ones looking at your breast, trust me”, They are in need of some TLC from time to time or rather a push up.

I couldn’t wait to rush home put the brilliant neon thing on and strut around the house running errands and such. My bra wouldn’t show of course, but I would know what I had on and that was good enough. Not to mention I was excited to show Mr. S the Christmas present he got me 4 months earlier. I imagined after putting the kids to bed and while he was laying in bed I would take off my clothes and ah-like a beautiful neon burst of light my push up bra would shine. He would love it so much that he would not notice my stretch marks or the extra pounds that have accumulated from past two pregnancies. I would feel as sexy and confidant  as I did when I was 24!

Alas, it didn’t go down that. It didn’t go anyway that I planned. At. All.

Got a phone call mid bra shopping that my daughter had at 6pm.  N-Zilla had a melt down at the mall then crapped something that should only happen at a nursing home and not to mention all over himself and my new Mini Van (barf).  My mojo at this point was slowly slipping away but I was determined to feel sexy by nighttime. I was pleasantly surprised when I got home. Son #1 was home doing is homework(without being told).  I realized my home front wasn’t as spick-and-span as I had wanted it to be but I was poop’d (in more ways than one) from the mall episode.  Short story shorter  ran out of time. Dinner. Practice and quick stop for ice cream. By the time I got home the usual dinner and the bedtime routine. My boobs where waiting for their cue so patiently.  After the night-time rush Mr.S stayed watching Netflix. I read to The Baby and N-Zilla. My husband fell asleep while I was talking to him….AGAIN! At that point me, my boobs, and my neon bra raised our white flag. I looked at myself before calling it a day I thought well good thing I had lots of sex when I was 24 and regardless if  my bra wasn’t showcased tonight I had some peace of mind for a little bit and trust me that does wonders for my sanity.

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